The Lingo I've Heard This Week Alone
"On The Pipeline" for stuff that was promised to some guy you've never met by another guy you've never met but which you must make happen or else.
"Action Item" for things you've got to handle before the next meeting, or else.
"Fast-track" for stuff that has been thrown on the pipeline after you've budgeted your time but that must be done yesterday, regardless.
"Up to speed" for talking smack about your co-workers when hanging out in the cafeteria trying not to sneak a smoke. As in, "Let me bring you up to speed on Matt. He's a freakin' piece of work, that one."
"Integrated solution" for products that are bundled together to solve a problem or several problems that you didn't know that you had.
"Off-line", I actually like this one. I use it often to say, "Shut the hell up and figure it out on your own damn time." Of course, I say it like this, "Wow, that's a great solution Zelda. Why don't you talk to Markus off-line about that and bring us back some thougths on fast-tracking this?"
"Out of the loop" for me.
"Human Resources" for the view of people as captial.
"Value-added" for crap you're willing to give away.
"Win-win" for a comprimise in which everyone is equally jacked.
"Driving Decision" for the freaking reason you have to talk the developers and QC folks into yet another patch build.
"QC" for quality control or the only sane people around.
"Out of scope" for anything that can't be placed under the tent of the driving decision.
"Under the tent" for anything that can be loosely tied to an idea.
"Show-stopper" used in any event that can be construed as remotely problematic for the end-user.
"End-user" for the joker that buys your crap.
"Present that formally" for "You better tell everyone in the world that is your plan, otherwise you're jacked."
"Doc-that" for "Please write that down so I can point at it in a few weeks when you deny having agreed to x."
"ULA" (pronounced you-la) for User License Agreement
Do you have any?