Below you will find rules of thumb, hints of politeness you can extend to your fellow human beings and interpretations of moments in life that may be gentler than those you are currently using.
1. If you are staying in a family member's home and they must go to work, do not try to chat them up in the morning. In fact, stay in your room and pretend to sleep in.
2. If you must go….I mean, you've gots to go!!!, do not use your poor planning as an excuse to use the empty handicapped stall. Many lovely folks I know would not DREAM of parking in a capper spot simply because they were running late but do not hesitate to use the capper stall. Don't do it people!! It is wrong!
3. If you borrow something and have lost it, own up and buy a replacement.
4. If you make a mess, clean it up.
5. Allow people to be other than happy. It's okay. It really is.
6. If you need time alone, take it. You're not doing anyone any favors by hanging around when you need to refuel.
7. "Needing time alone" does not equate to "needing time away from you." Don't make that assumption.
8. When someone is reading, they are doing something. Please note that before interrupting.
9. Be gentle with yourself. I mean it. Be gentle! You make a concerted effort to be gentle with other people, why not extend that courtesy to yourself?
10. Being gentle on other people does not include handling them so softly that they run you over. Regardless of their mental state, it is not you job to soothe others at the cost of yourself. Stand up and be firm. You're allowed.
11. Apologize when you're an ass. Note when others are asses and don't pretend they weren't. When you watch Deal or No Deal, note that all of those women, dressed exactly the same, used a objects of desire to open other objects of desire is ass. Tell your sons, "That's ass." It's okay if they're two years old. They still need to know that is indeed, ass.
12. Take your vitamins.
If you have tid bits that may be helpful to others, please add them to the comments section of this post.
Thanks all.