Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Race and Gender Considerations in Allotting Social Security and Other Stuff

So Bill Thomas (R-CA) wants to consider race and gender in trying to overhaul the red herring crisis, ahem, social security program. Don’t even get me started on the ACTUAL crisis that is health care.

“We also need to examine, frankly, ... the question of race, in terms of how many years of retirement do you get based upon your race. And you ought not to just leave gender off the table, because that would be a factor,” Thomas said.

Interesting. So, on average, since women live longer, we may not be eligible for social security until a later age, and since people of color tend to live shorter lives (especially black men), they should get it earlier? I presume that’s where all of this talk will lead. But I think it all unnecessary. And here’s why.

If we lift the cap on the 87G taxable number to no cap at all, a ton (yes, that’s a scientific term) of money will be added to the coffers. As my friend Sharon says, “Why should I pay taxes toward social security based on 100% of my income, when someone making $180,000 only pays on half of theirs?” A fine question indeed!

And why should richies get money out of the system? If I have a gazillion (another scientific term) in the bank and can support myself very comfortably until the time of my death, why should the government give me my money back? Call your contribution to social security over the years the price you paid for living in a humane society. You don’t see people that never took advantage of free education in this country and that don’t have children, crying about having to pay for public education because they know that an educated populous is worth the cost. …Oh yeah, you’re right, you do hear those idiots crying, but, of course, they’re wrong to do so in their selfishness.

So, long story short, stop making a mountain out of a mole hill, stop pulling in issues to make it more complicated than it is, stop subsidizing people that don’t need to be subsidized and start charging the rich the same percentage that the middle class and poor are paying.

For more, this is a fine commentary .

On to other issues...

Big Brother , thanks dad.

Never Surrender Bracelets. Cool and Cute!, thanks Kelli

Dog Judo I know it’s all over the place, but it’s hilarious, thanks Mister Williams.

More Money Didn’t see that coming.


Turns out our training is really sticking.

’Bout time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is social security suddenly such the hot issue, anyway? I would love to know what we will all 'own' in the 'ownership society.'
Oh, right, we will own the right to eat Alpo in our old age...

11:25 AM  
Blogger Aerenchyma said...

Total distractor from health insurance, the real issue. And a weak one at that. Odd that it's working so well though.

11:52 AM  

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