Thursday, May 05, 2005

Good 'Rents/Bad 'Rents

First for The Good:

Bubber brushes (I’m very proud of this fact, as you know).

Bubber laughs often and earnestly.

Bubber walks!—really has nothing to do with us, but I think that we should get to claim some sort of contribution here…if only getting out of his way.

Bubber is nearly off of the bottle. Good thing since his father and I have been off of it for a few years ourselves.

Bubber’s communication skills are flourishing; he signs “milk”, waves goodbye, says “doo-dah” (Gouda) every two seconds, says “dah-dah” nearly as much as doo-dah, and says “mah-mah” only when he’s in pain (I’m trying not to take this personally).

Now The Bad:

Bubber nearly got sent out of the house with oompa-loompa pants this morning. They were his last pair of clean pants (even fished out of the “hate them, put them in storage” basket).

Bubber wore dirty pants to daycare today.

Bubber has been afflicted with a book addiction. His father and I are assailed with the same illness, but we should have protected Bubber from it. Case in point, Bubber Boo refused to leave the house today without a book and insisted on “reading it” on the way to daycare rather than having an meaningful conversation with his mother. Not good. Pretty sure he’s going to need therapy.

Bubber hits. I know, normal toddler stuff, but I’m pretty sure it has something to do with some failing on our part—or not.

Our home remains un-childproof.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like with employees, it's the parents who don't doubt themselves who turn out to be pretty crappy parents. You guys are doing just fine.

7:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brushing is a really good thing! Just make sure he keeps it up until after your done being responsible for the dental bills.

The book addiction - it's hereditary (you can't change it) and it's still a good thing.

As for hitting, well, it's better than biting. Trust me on this one. As long as he doesn't use foreign objects, such as heavy plastic hockey sticks to the brain, you're good.

Dirty clothes. Hah! Who hasn't?

Keep up the good work, mum!

Btw - the latest polls shows what mom's want most for mother's day is... dum dum dum... A day away from the kids!


10:51 AM  
Blogger Aerenchyma said...

ej: true dat

sa: I do believe that is the first time I've ever been called a jackhole. Nicely done.

kds: I'll be sure to keep the heavy plastic hocky sticks at arms length from BB. Thanks for the heads-up.

12:54 PM  

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