Friday, November 10, 2006

Unions and Women's Rights

Went to Noon at World Café Live to see Arlo Guthrie with my team at work today. It was really great. Two of his children played along-side and he told stories about his father. It was really, really sweet.

When his daughter, Sarah Lee, sang a song written by Woody about unions and women's rights (a real foot-stompper), I teared-up thinking about how beautiful it is when people gather and, by that very simple act, empower each other and themselves.

I guess some pregnant ladies cry over hallmark commercials and others cry when they hear songs about collective bargaining and civil liberties.

To each her own.


Blogger Duf said...

i'm right there with you. nothing gets me like the sum of positive energies building up and merging around a great event. i always feel energized, and i always feel that i'm not alone in being moved to anger and sadness and frustration and happiness by injustice and the how others perceive it.

also, how jealous am i that you got to go see woody with his kids?

answer = very damn jealous

2:43 PM  
Blogger Aerenchyma said...

So glad I'm not the only dork.

Very glad.

1:16 PM  

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