Friday, August 05, 2005

Busy Week / Lazy Weekend (hopefully)

With the exception of my minor maternal meltdown, hereafter referred to as MMM, this week has been a delight. We have gone swimming, visited with good friends, taken Gouda to the park for a run and ball chasing, and tonight we’re heading out to the Riversharks game with about 20 friends. Too bad it’s like a gazillion million degrees outside and I’d rather put a stick in my eye than sit outside for hours. Curses.

This weekend we are open. O-P-E-N. We have no plans and I’m rather pleased about that. I’ve finished my book club book early and now I can lackadaisically read short stories (little commitment / tons of fun) by Alice Munro.

I do hope to get an Abe-sized table and chairs for the Bubber as well as a step stool so as he can brush his chompers more effectively. We’ll be going to the evil Ikea for those items. Oh, and SK will be obsessing about a tricycle he is bidding on for Ubs, so he’ll have his lover on his lap all weekend long. (For those out of the loop, his “lover” is his laptop.—In all fairness, I must confess that I too, have a laptop whom I refer to as Miguel-My-Sweet. “Where is Miguel-My-Sweet???”)

Okay, that’s alls I gots. Have a great weekend everyone.


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